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Sharon Manor

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Helping homeless survivors of domestic violence and their children on their journey out of violence and poverty and into economic independence, safety, health, and self-sufficiency.


Sharon Manor is for survivors of domestic violence and/or sexual assault and their children experiencing homelessness.

Sharon Manor is longer-term, supportive, and affordable housing (up to 2 years), and is not a shelter.

Sharon Manor residents engage in trauma-informed, comprehensive, one-on-one case management and group trainings as they work to rebuild their lives.

Since 1999, over 1,500 homeless adults and children have been empowered through the Sharon Manor Program.

The demand for Sharon Manor is great. We currently have a wait list of individuals and families in need of housing and supportive services.

We need volunteers to help with our ongoing children's program. Email Sharon Manor’s Children's Program coordinator today to learn more:

Victoria's Story

Tax Credit Details

Learn More Sharon Manor

Program Details

Sharon Manor combines safe, decent, and affordable housing with critical one-on-one support to help individuals and families impacted by violence to take life-changing steps toward self-reliance.


Adult Services

Sharon Manor residents receive wrap-around case management services to identify and achieve goals. Our case managers meet regularly with residents helping them to accomplish self-identified goals, such as increasing household income, building self-esteem, budgeting, continuing education, sobriety, improving parenting skills, trauma processing, identifying stable permanent housing, etc.  In addition to case management services, residents can attend Life Skills and Personal Development groups focused on financial planning, social and personal development, healing, boundaries, healthy communication, and resiliency while remaining stably housed at Sharon Manor.


Children Services


While staff and volunteers provide support, guidance, counseling, and training to residents at Sharon Manor, we can’t forget the small

survivors– the children whose lives have been forever changed by the violence and fear in their past. That’s why our Children’s Program at Sharon Manor is so vital – to the children, to the families we serve, and to the community. Children in the program meet weekly and learn about effective communication, anger management, and appropriate behaviors. Through art and healthy relationship building, they begin to heal from the abuse, neglect and pain they’ve experienced – and they work to build healthier lives.


All employees at Housing Solutions are ACE's Certified



Sharon Manor has the capacity to serve up to 29 households. We have one 13-unit complex unit with 8 private studios, 1 one-bedrooms, 4 two-bedroom units. We also have a 16-unit complex with 8 two-bedroom and 8 three-bedroom units.


Eligibility & Application

Sharon Manor Transitional Housing Program serves survivors and their children who are experiencing homelessness with a history of domestic violence and/or sexual assault. Sharon Manor is not an immediate emergency shelter.


We currently have a wait list at Sharon Manor.


Applicants of Sharon Manor are referred by partner agencies such as shelters, law enforcement, community organizations, school districts, the “Front Door Coordinated Entry Program” through Catholic Charities or Flagstaff Shelter, and other social service agencies. Rent at Sharon Manor is based on household income.  Sharon Manor serves low-income families whose incomes do not exceed 80% of the area median income, adjusted for family size and determined annually by HUD.


  If you would like more information, please email

or call our Sharon Manor Program Manager from 9am-3pm (M-Th) at

(928)-214-7456. The first page of the application must be completed by the referring agency.


  • We need volunteers to help with our ongoing children's program. Your time, care, and consistency can make a positive impact on the life of a child. Email Sharon Manor’s Children's Program Coordinator to learn more.


Sharon Manor was constructed on land donated by the City of Flagstaff utilizing HOME funds through the State of Arizona. The apartments were constructed with Low Income Housing Tax Credits. Our equity partner in this project was JPMorgan Chase. Ongoing funding for Sharon Manor comes from McKinney-Vento Homeless funds, as well as United Way of Northern Arizona, the Arizona Community Foundation of Flagstaff, Forest Highlands Foundation, and many private donors. Sharon Manor is only able to serve survivors of domestic violence because of ongoing generous community support.


Sharon’s Attic Thrift Store benefits Housing Solutions' affordable housing programs, including Sharon Manor. By shopping and donating, you help make Sharon Manor possible. Visit Sharon’s Attic website to view our location and store details:


In addition to financial support, Sharon Manor staff work with over 40 community organizations to meet vital needs of residents while eliminating the unnecessary duplication of community services. We are thankful for the ongoing support these critical services provide to community members.

Our Impact

From June 2022 to July 2023, we were able to serve 40 adults and 59 children at Sharon Manor.


• 18 adult survivors saw improved health.


• 27 adult survivors accessed physical and/or mental health services.


• 11 adult survivors increased their income.


• 28 adult survivors created a household safety plan.


• 06adult survivors reported they can access community resources.


• 30 adult survivors reported Sharon Manor services helped them to make informed choices.


•39 children survivors improved health while living at Sharon Manor last year.




Julie & Michael's Story

Julie lived in fear. She had left her husband, taking her children to the only safe place she had –her brother’s house – after her husband pushed their 5-year-old son Michael down the stairs in the middle of a fight. Not only was Julie injured in the fight, but her son fought for his life in the hospital after the push from his father caused serious injuries.


Although Julie & her children had recovered physically, her husband knew where she was staying. He continued to come by her brother’s house, left threatening phone messages and kept violating the Order of Protection.


Julie was on the waiting list for months, hoping for an opening at Sharon Manor. Her prayers were answered in August when an apartment opened up and she was able to move in.


At Sharon Manor, Julie participates in case management and helps her son, Michael, with the care that he needs. Now, Julie has safety and support. She doesn’t live in fear. She’s got a full-time job, she’s going to counseling and she’s working with within the legal system to get full custody of her children and to keep them safe. Julie’s life changed when she found Sharon Manor.

Join Us

You can be a part of the solution, helping families build safe, healthy lives. Sharon Manor is made possible through donations from people like you. Plus, your donation is tax-deductible and tax credit eligible. Don't wait, give today.

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928-214-7456 (To contact our office through a relay service for the hearing impaired, please dial 711.



Physical Address

1500 E Cedar Ave Ste 86
Flagstaff, AZ 86004

Mailing Address

PO Box 30134, Flagstaff, AZ 86003

Email Directory

Please Click here

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Housing Solutions does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), national origin, disability, marital status, political beliefs or familial status in employment or program services. Special accommodations will be made for the physically challenged, upon notification.

Persons requiring language, hearing, visual, mobility or other accommodations may contact Housing Solutions of Northern Arizona at (928) 214-7456 or TDD 711 to make special arrangements for services

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